Scholl Voetenspray - Extra Fresh 150 ml
Scholl Voetenspray - Extra Fresh 150 ml

Scholl Voetenspray - Extra Fresh 150 ml

  • Alcoholvrij
  • Anti-transpirant
  • Anti-wittestrepen
  • Met scrub

Scholl Deodorant Spray: de oplossing tegen zweetvoetenSay goodbye to the unpleasant odor caused by sweaty feet with Scholl Deodorant Spray. Unlike other deodorant sprays, this product tackles the issue at its root cause. The foul odor is typically a result of bacteria, but Scholl Deodorant Spray is specially formulated to have an antibacterial effect. It doesn't just mask the smell but actively fights against the bacteria tha... lees meer over dit product

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